Families: Small, Holden, Douglass, Wilson, Barter Turner

History/Descendants of the Small family

The Small family originally lived in Bidesford, Devonshire, England. Some members of this old English family date back to 1330 at the time of King Edward III. One branch of the family were kinsmen of the Champernowne family; perhaps the most powerful family in Devonshire and were descendants of the old Byzantine Kings and William the Conquerer.

Edward Small was born in Bidesford, Devon, England about 1600. His son Francis was born in Bidesford in 1625 and accompanied his father to America ( Piscataqua, Maine) in 1632. Francis married Elizabeth Leighton in 1648 and they lived in Dover NH for awhile before moving in 1657 to Falmouth, ME.  Francis was apparently a born trader. Over the years he became owner of large tracts of land in the Falmouth (Portland) area. He lived in Kittery for a time and traded with the indians in the Cornish, ME area. He nearly lost his life in his dealings with the Indians but eventually made peace with some of them, and again thru trading became the owner of large tracts of land in the Cornish/Limington area. Old deeds to these lands are on file in Portland archives.< http://www.mainememory.net/bin/Detail?ln=7287 > . Francis eventually deeded much of the land to a son Samuel and moved to Truro on Cape Cod to live with a son, Daniel. Francis died there in1713 at age 93. He and Elizabeth Leighton had seven children. The son, Daniel and his wife, Abigail Snow, had eight children, one of whom was named Edward, who married Abigail Barnaby and moved to Cape Elizabeth, Maine. They had eight children. Two sons, Thomas and Job, moved to Deer Isle, Maine in 1767 and 1768 respectively, and were considered pioneer settlers. The brothers had very large families, and I presently have hundreds of relatives listed in this study. However, our direct line involves Thomas. He married Sarah Roberts and they had eleven children. A son, Ebenezer (1772/1828), married Ann Webster of Cape Elizabeth. They had thirteen children. One son, Ebenezer, married his cousin Sally of Cape Elizabeth. They had three children. One son (you guessed it), "Ebenezer" married Harriet Eaton. They had ten children. One was named Warren. He married Mina Merchant [dau. of Anthony, of Merchants Island]. Warren and Mina had two sons, Harold and Roy. Harold married Alda Goss [dau. of Simeon Goss and Annie Young] and they had Montelle [that's me]. Roy married Helen Buettner from Pittsburg, PA and they had a dau. Royle and a son Dallas.

I have much more information and listings of relatives so if you have questions, get back to me (monty@maine.rr.com) and I'll see what I can find for you. 

The Smalls on Deer Isle during the 1700-1800s were farmers, fishermen, and seamen. There are several sea captains who “sailed around the Horn.” In later years some of them were educators, legislators, ministers and merchants. There are at least three M.D.’s and two druggists.

Most of the Smalls have been respected members of their communities. In Maine, our relatives can be found in Deer Isle, Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Cornish, Limington, Freeport, and way Down East in Machias.

Descendents of Henry Barter  

(We are indebted to Janet Barter < jbarter@tstt.net.tt > for this comprehensive listing. Janet lives far away in Trinidad/Tobago but, through her descendants ,a part of her will always be on Isle Au haut. Thank you, Janet )

Henry Barter - born before 1769 in Kittery -- died/ buried 1849  Burnt Island.

Miriam Merchant ( w/o Henry- d/o Anthony Merchant & Abigail Raynes) 1775 -1848 - Burnt Island.

Nancy Barter ( d/o Henry & Miriam  ) born: Bet 1785 and 1800, Isle Au Haut - died:  1800, Deer Isle

Robert Barter ( s/o Henry & Miriam - h/o Mary Duncan ) born:1795, Isle Au Haut - died:1867, Wreck Island

Mary Duncan ( w/o Robert ) born: About 1803, Deer Isle -- died after 1880, Deer Isle.

Martha Harriet Barter ( d/o Robert & Mary - w/o  Annis ) born: 1829, Wreck Island.After 1900, Rockport ,Me.

George Ulmer Annis ( h/o Martha ) born: 1822, Camden, Me - died/ buried 1891, Camden.

George Franklin Annis ( h/o Laura J. -  s/o George U. & Martha) born: 1852, Camden

Laura J. Annis ( h/o George F. ) - born:  1854

Lizzie E. Annis ( d/o George F. & Laura ) born:1883

Rhoda Ann Annis ( d/o George U. & Martha ) - born: About 1854, Camden

Sidney A. Annis ( s/o George U. & Martha ) - born: 1863, Camden.

David Robbins ( 2nd h/o Martha Barter) - born: 1825, Deer Isle.

Hiram H. Robbins ( s/o David by previous marriage ? ) -  born: 1847, Deer Isle

Clementine C. Small ( w/o Hiram - d/o Hiram & Susan Barter,Small- 1851- 1900 - Isle Au Haut.

Flora Robbins ( d/o Hiram & Clementine ) born: 1868 - died: Before 1880

Laura M. Robbins ( d/o Hiram & Clementine ) - born:  1876, Wreck Island  - died 1892, Deer Isle

????   Crane ( h/o Laura ) no further in

Frederick S. Robbins ( s/o Hiram & Clementine - h/o Carrie Staples ) - born: 1879, Wreck Island

Carrie B. Staples ( w/o Frederick ) born:  1868, Swan's Island.

Hiram H. Robbins Jr.  b: 1908 Swans Island - d: Dec 10,1991, Springfield, Ma.

                  s/o Frederick & Clementine [ Small],Robbins

???? Robbins  ( s/o Frederick & Carrie ) born & died 1893, Deer Isle  

Eunice A. George ( apparently the 2nd wife of Hiram Robbins, Sr. )

Mary Julia Robbins ( d/o David & Martha ) born:1848

Eliza Jane Barter ( d/o Robert & Mary - w/o Ellison Annis ) born:  1831 - died/buried 1902 Camden

Ellison Annis ( h/o  Eliza Jane ) - born: 1827, Camden - died & buried in Camden: Before 1900

Samuel Allen Annis ( s/o George & Martha - h/o Rebecca ) born 1852, Camden

Rebecca B.Gross( w/o Samuel ) born: About 1858 - both buried Greenwood cem. - Oceanville.

James H. Annis ( s/o George & Martha ) born:  1854

Laura Ellen Annis ( d/o  George & Martha )born: 1856

Frederick L. Barbour Annis ( s/o George & Martha ) born: 1859

John Albert Annis ( s/o George & Martha - 2nd h/o Annie ) born:  1863 - died: 1937, Stonington

Phoebe “Annie” Rumery ( w/o John Annis ) born 1860, North Haven - died: After 1934 in Stonington

Hiram R. Annis ( s/o George & Martha ) born: 1864

Montie Zoumer Annis ( s/o George & Martha ) born: 1866

Lavon Idress Annis ( s/o George & Martha ) born: 1868

Lewis Annis ( s/o George & Martha )born: About Apr 1870 - died before 1880

Henry D. Barter ( s/o Robert & Mary Duncan Barter ) b: 1833 Deer Isle - d: 1894 Stonington

Julia Ann Meservey ( w/o Henry D. ) - b: 1836 Union, Me. - d: after 1910

William Llewellyn Barter ( s/o Henry & Julia ) b: 1856 Isle au Haut - d: 1903 [ drowned] - buried Rockland.

Phoebe “Annie” Rumery (w/o Llewellyn. she md. John Annis 2nd ) b:1860 - d: after 1934 Stonington

Hosea Elden Barter ( s/o Llewellyn & Annie ) b:  1879 Isle au Haut - d: 1918 - buried Rockland

Carrie E. Blastow ( w/o Hosea E. ) b: 1887 Deer Isle

Bernard Elden Barter ( s/o Hosea & Carrie )) b: 1909 Rockland

Edwina E. Barter ( d/o Hosea & Carrie - w/o Irving Keizer) b:  1910 Rockland

Irving L. Keizer - born Thomaston

Wesley D. Barter (  s/o Hosea & Carrie ) b: 1914 Rockland

Jennie Evelyn Barter ( d/o Llewellyn &  Annie ) b: 1880 Isle au Haut

Fred Huntley ( h/o Jennie Barter ) born: Rockland

Llewellyn Garfield Barter ( s/o Llewellyn & Annie )b:1881, Isle Au Haut - d:1923, Boston, MA

Bessie May Jones ( w/o Llewellyn G.. ) b: Rockland

Leonie Gladys Barter ( d/o Llewellyn & Bessie ) b:1905, South Thomaston, Maine

Herbert Aldrich  ( h/o Leonie)

Floyd Raymond Barter ( s/o Llewellyn & Bessie ) born: 1908, Rockland, died: 1991, Belfast

Kathleen N. Billings ( w/o Floyd “ Froggy” Barter -  d/o John & Ella ( or Myrtle ?) Billings ) died: 1995

Kathleen Barter ( d/o Llewellyn & Kathleen )

Frances Ginn Barter ( d/o Llewellyn & Annie )born: 1895, Stonington - died: 1936, Salem, N H

Harvey Cohn Sr. ( h/o Frances ) born: New York

Harvey William Cohn ( s/o Harvey & Frances ) born: Waterville, Maine

Frances Patricia Cohn ( d/o Harvey & Frances ) born: New York City, New York

Ruel Riley Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born:1858, Isle Au Haut. died: About 1934

Uriah Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) b: Feb 1860 - d: Before 1870

Ida Ann Barter ( d/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) b: 1861, Isle Au Haut. - d: After 1920, Stonington

Rufus Condon Robinson ( h/o Ida Ann ) b: 1856, Isle Au Haut - died: 1919, Stonington.

Nina E. Robinson ( d/o Rufus & Ida ) born: 1878, Stonington

Joseph Hughes ( h/o Nina )

William Crane ( 2nd h/o of Nina )

Charles Bartlett Tracy ( 3rd h/o Nina ) born: About 1856

Charles H. Robinson ( s/o Nina ?? ) born:  Nov 1895, Stonington

Vesta E. Eaton ( w/o Charles H. ) born: About 1893, Deer Isle.

Condon H. Robinson ( s/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1920

Gwendolyn Robinson ( d/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1923

Wilbert L. Robinson ( s/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1925

Joseph H. Robinson ( s/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1926

George L. Robinson ( s/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1927

Charles H. Robinson Jr. ( s/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1928

Malcom D. Robinson ( s/o Charles H. & Vesta ) born: About 1929

Alice May Robinson ( d/o Rufus & Ida )born: May 1880, Isle Au Haut. - died: Aft 1910

William Crane ( h/o Alice May also was 2nd h/o of sister  Nina 

Wilburt Llewellyn Robinson ( s/o Rufus & Ida ) born:  Jun 1892, Stonington

Fred W. Snow ( 2nd h/o Ida Ann Barter) died: 1938, Stonington

Charles Raymond Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born:  Jul 1863 - died: Before 1873

George L. Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born:  Sep 1866

Mary A. Flagg ( w/o George L. ) born: Jan 1863 - died: After Sep 1918, Rockland

George Edwin Barter ( s/o George L. & Mary A. ) born:  Oct 1897 - died: Nov 1973, Belfast

Julia Etta Barter ( d/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born: Jan 1868, Stonington died: Apr 1909 Isle Au Haut

Frank Witham ( 1st h/o Julia Etta )

Stephen B. Webb ( 2nd h/o Julia Etta ) born: Jan 1868, Stonington

Eugene H. Webb ( s/o  Stephen & Julia Etta ) born: Mar 1889

Elena Candage ? ( w/o Eugene Webb )

Lovinia M. Webb ( d/o Stephen & Julia Etta ) born: Feb 1893, Deer Isle

Arthur C. Parker ( h/o Lovinia ) born: About 1884, Deer Isle

???? Williams ( 2nd h/o Lovinia )

Sanford Gross ( 3rd h/o Lovinia )

 Annie E. Webb ( d/o Stephen & Julia Etta ) born: Nov 1896

????  Brown ( h/o Annie E. )

Mary Adelia Barter ( d/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born:  Mar 1870 - died: Bet 1920 and 1930

Maynard L. Bray ( h/o Mary Adelia ) born: Mar 1873 - died: Aft 1930

Clyde E. Bray ( s/o Maynard & Mary ) born: Jun 1896, Stonington

Wallace E. Bray ( s/o Maynard & Mary ) born:  Mar 1898, Stonington - died: Jul 1966, Connecticut

Anne M.  ( w/o Wallace Bray ) born: About 1896

Vinnie R. Bray ( d/o Maynard & Mary )born: Jul 1899, Stonington

David W. Bray ( s/o Maynard & Mary ) born: About 1903, Stonington

Margaret Meservy Barter ( d/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born: 3 Jan 1873, Isle Au Haut, Maine

Augustus Anderson ( h/o Margaret M.. ) born: 15 Nov 1865, Uleabo, Finland

Walter Anderson ( s/o Augustus & Margaret ) born: Cushing, Maine

Augustus Anderson ( s/o Augustus & Margaret ) born: Cushing, Maine

Oscar Gilman Flye ( 2nd h/o Margaret Barter) born:  1845, Brooklin, Me. died: 6 Dec 1919, Stonington, 

Gleason Earl Flye ( s/o Oscar G. & Margaret )

Jessie Annie Flye ( d/o Oscar G. &  Margaret

Donald Leon GROSS ( h/o  Jesse Flye )

Alice Louise Barter ( d/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born: 12 Sep 1874 - died: About 1874

Charles Raymond Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann )born: Sep 1877, Isle Au Haut - died: After 1930

Laura M. Cables ( w/o Charles R. ) born: About 1882, Rockland - died: After 1930

Earl H. Barter (twin  s/o Charles & Laura ) born: May 4 1904, Rockland - died: May 1973, Rockland

Lina E. Sawyer ( w/o Earl H. )

Olive E. Bragg ( 2nd w/o Earl H. ) born: Rockland

Pearl F. Barter (twin s/o Charles & Laura )born: 4 May 1904, Isle Au Haut - died: 30 Sep 1985, Rockland

Ada M. Burns ( w/o Pearl )

Wilbert Llewelyn Barter ( s/o Charles & Laura )born: Aug 1905, Isle Au Haut - died: Jun 1985, Rockland

Unknown ( w/o Wilbert L. )

Wilbert L. Barter Jr. ( s/o Wilbert, Jr. & unknown ) died: 1992, Rockkport

Pauline Hunt ( w/o Wilbert Jr. ) born: Sep 1931, Waldoboro,  Me. - died:  Sep 2003, Rockland

James F. Barter ( s/o Charles & Laura ) b: 1914, Isle Au Haut - died: 2003 Coopers Mills - buried Rockland

Mildred A. Phelps ( w/o James F. )died: Oct 1999, Rockland

Molly B. Barter ( d/o James & Mildred )

Leslie LeBlanc ( h/o Molly )

Eunice B. Barter ( d/o James & Mildred )

Donald Young ( h/o Eunice )

Ann B. Barter ( d/o James & Mildred )

Loren Herrick ( h/o Ann B.)

Loren D. Herrick Jr. ( s/o Loren & Ann )

Jeffrey Herrick( s/o Loren & Ann )

Charles R. Barter ( s/o Charles & Laura ) born:  Jun 1918 - died: Dec 1990, Rockland

Dudley Barter ( s/o Charles & Laura ) born: About 1916

???? Barter ( s/o Charles & Laura )

Levi Weed Barter ( s/o Robert & Mary Duncan Barter)born: 1837, Burnt Island - died: 1892, Deer Isle Abigail R. Eaton ( w/o Levi )born: May 1840, McGlathery Island - died: After 1900, Deer Isle

Orrin Prescott Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann ) born:1854, Wreck Island - died: 20 Nov 1923

Experience Ames ( w/o Orrin P. ) born: 1853,  Deer Isle died: After 1930

Charles Olden Barter (s/o Orrin & Experience ) born: 1876, Stonington - died:1941 Stonington

Ida May Hutchinson ( w/o Charles Olden ) born: Nov 1877, Stonington

Lunettie Earl Barter ( d/o Charles & Ida May ) born: 25 Jun 1894

Dennis Eaton ( h/o Lunettie )

Ralph Cook ( 2nd h/o Lunettie )

Lina May Barter ( d/o Charles & Ida May ) born: 1897, Stonington - died: 10 Dec 1926

Garfield J. Billings ( born: About 1904, Deer Isle

Carolyn Beryl Billings ( d/o Garfield & Lina May ) born: 1925, Stonington

Mildred Cynthia Barter ( d/o Charles & Ida May )born: 1899, Stonington

Harry A. Bye ( h/o Mildred C. )born: Stonington

Frances Bye ( d/o Harry & Mildred )

???? Staples ( h/o Frances )

Arthur Bye ( s/o Harry & Mildred )

Robert Bye ( s/o Harry & Mildred )

Marion Abbie Barter ( d/o Charles & Ida May )born: 24 Mar 1907

Clarence M. Welch ( h/o Marion )

Charles Lewis Barter ( s/o Charles & Ida May )born: 11 Jan 1916,  Stonington - died: 19 Dec 1980, Stonington

Mary Louise Eaton ( w/o Charles  Lewis) born: About 1920, Deer Isle

Terrence Barter ( s/o  Charles Lewis & Mary L. )

Georgia Frances Nevells ( 2nd w/o Charles Lewis )b: 1924, Stonington - d:1989 buried: Greenwood Cem 

Maxine Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Bert Smith  ( h/o Maxine ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Sylvia Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia )born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Richard Brown ( h/o Sylvia ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Nadine Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia )born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Charles Eaton ( h/o Nadine ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Roxann Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Matthew Betts ( h/o Roxann )born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Gerry Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Harry Nowak ( h/o Gerry ) born: Artesia, New Mexico

Dianne Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia )born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Timothy Brophy ( h/o Dianne )born: Sedgwick, Maine

Wilma Barter ( d/o C. Lewis & Georgia ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

???? LaPlace ( h/o Wilma ) born: Ellsworth, Maine

Robert Barter ( s/o C. Lewis & Georgia )born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Thomas Judson Barter ( s/o Orrin & Experience )b: 28 Nov 1878, Stonington, d: Before 11 Jan 1936

Helen F. Sweet ( w/o Thomas J. ) born: Bucksport, Hancock, ME.

Hilda E. Barter ( d/o Thomas & Helen ) born: About 1918, Bucksport, Hancock, ME.

George D. Betts ( h/o Hilda ) born: About 1918, Ellsworth Falls, Hancock, Maine

Rhoda Ann Barter ( d/o Orrin & Experience ) born: 12 May 1886, Stonington, Hancock, ME

Rodney Ervin Wakefield ( h/o Rhoda ) born: About 1877, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Harold Dudley Wakefield ( s/o Rodney & Rhoda )born: 14 Jul 1915 - died: 9 Jul 1973, Stonington

Mary Elizabeth Joyce ( w/o H. Dudley ) born: About 1921, Stonington, Hancock, ME

Beatrice Wakefield ( d/o Rodney & Rhoda )

Gilman A. Marshall ( h/o Beatrice )born: About 1914, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

David Lee Marshall ( s/o Beatrice & Gilman ) born: 19 Apr 1939

Ethel Barter ( d/o Orrin & Experience )born: 27 Feb 1896, Stonington, Hancock, ME

Ralph Robbins ( h/o Ethel )born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Hartford E. Robbins ( s/o Ralph & Ethel ) born: About 1916

Iona C. Robbins ( d/o Ralph & Ethel ) born: About 1918

Oscar Barter ( s/o Henry D.& Julia Ann ) born: 1858, Maine - died: After 1880

Mary E. Morey ( w/o Oscar ) born: 1860, Maine - died: 23 Jun 1896, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Fred W. Barter ( s/o Oscar & Mary ) born: 16 Jan 1888

???? Barter (  male child of Oscar & Mary ) born: 15 Jun 1896 ( 1910 census says this is Roscoe )

Clara E. Freethy ( w/o Roscoe ) born: 1856, Maine 

Mary Barter ( d/o Henry D. & Julia Ann )born: 1860, Wreck Island, Hancock, Maine - died: About 1876

Albert Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann )born: 1869, Wreck Island - died: 21 Mar 1930, Deer Isle

 Idella D. Eaton ( w/o Albert ) born: Dec 1874 - died: Bet 1920 and 1922

Alice M. Barter ( d/o Albert & Idella) born: 1 Jan 1893, Stonington, Hancock, ME

William Sheppard ( h/o Alice )born: About 1888, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME - died: Before 16 Aug 1937

Clifford William Sheppard ( s/o Wm. & Alice ) born: 6 Sep 1911, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Virginia Stinson ( w/o Clifford )born: About 1916, Stonington, Hancock, ME

Raymond Parks Barter ( s/o Albert & Idella )b: 16 Feb 1895, Stonington d: 1963, Deer Isle- Mt Adams Cem

Jennie L. Smith ( w/o Raymond )born: About 1891, Deer Isle - d: 1961, Deer Isle - b: Mt Adams Cem.

Elsie Marie Barter ( d/o Raymond & Jennie ) born: 30 Aug 1922, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

???? WASHBURN ( h/o Elsie )born: Lanesboro, MA

Charles R. McDonald ( 2nd h/o Elsie ) born: Isle Au Haut, Knox, ME

Elizabeth Marshall ( 2nd w/o Raymond Barter ) born: 1905  - d: 1983, Deer Isle - buried: Mt Adams Cem.

Levi Weed Barter ( s/o Albert & Idella ) born: 15 Jul 1898, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Edna Dunham ( w/o Levi ) born: About 1908, Stonington, Hancock, ME

Marguerite Eleanor Barter ( d/o Levi & Marguerite )born: 9 Jun 1926, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Augustine Olive Barter ( d/o Levi & Marguerite )born: 8 Sep 1927, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Oscar Elwell Barter ( s/o Albert & Idella )born: 4 Aug 1900, Deer Isle, died: 31 Jan 1960, Deer Isle

Velma Minnie Stinson ( w/o Oscar ) b: 4 Aug 1905, Minturn, Swans Island d: 27 Nov 1987, Stonington, 

Elwell E. Barter ( s/o Oscar & Velma M. ) b: About 1927, Deer Isle, d:1977, Deer Isle b: Forest Hill Cem.

Estelle Sheppard ( w/o Elwell E. ) born: Stonington, Hancock, ME

Rhoda Barter  ( d/o Elwell & Estelle )born:

Oliver Perle Barter ( s/o Oscar & Velma )born: About 1928, Stonington, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Lawrence Barter ( s/o Albert & Idella - twin) born: 25 Jan 1913

Larina Barter ( d/o Albert & Idella - twin )born: 25 Jan 1913 - died: 25 Jan 1918

Cora A. Page (2nd w/o Albert Barter)b: Jul 1865, Boston, MA, d: 2 Oct 1932, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Ernest Barter ( s/o Henry D. & Julia Ann )b: 1881, Deer Isle, d: 1940, Stonington, b: Mt Warren Cem

Lillian M. Gross ( w/o Ernest ) born: 12 Jun 1889, Bucksport, Hancock, ME died: 1958

Lydia Abbie Barter (d/o Ernest & Lillian ) born: 3 May 1907, Swans Island, Hancock, ME

Rexford Hamblen (h/o Lydia ) born: About 1900, Stonington, Hancock, ME

Lionel Barbour (2nd h/o Lydia )born: 18 May 1909, Stonington - died: 30 Sep 1975, Stonington,

Ernestine Barter (d/o Ernest & Lillian )born: 25 Mar 1910, Stonington, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Frederick A. Barter ( s/o Ernest & Lillian )b: About 1911, Deer Isle, d: 1983, Deer Isle, Mt Warren Cem

Viola C. Knowlton ( w/o Frederick )born: About Aug 1915

Florence Barter ( d/o Ernest & Lillian ) born: 1914

Evelyn W. Barter ( d/o Ernest & Lillian ) born: 6 Jul 1918, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Hilda Lillian Barter ( d/o Ernest & Lillian )born: 17 Aug 1922

Lawrence Carter ( h/o Hilda ) believe he came from Sedgwick. Was a welder at the ship yard.

Eleanor Barter ( d/o Robert & Mary D. ))born: 31 Mar 1839, Wreck Island, Knox, ME

Shubael Merchant ( h/o Eleanor ) born: About 1832

Mary Fannie Merchant ( d/o Eleanor & Shubael )

Frances E. Merchant ( d/o Eleanor & Shubael )born: About 1856

Laura A. Merchant ( d/o Eleanor & Shubael )born: About 1856

Ellison Merchant ( s/o Eleanor & Shubael )born: About 1859

John P. Merchant ( s/o Eleanor & Shubael )born: About 1865

Hattie M. Merchant ( d/o Eleanor & Shubael )born: About 1869 - died: Before 1880

Stephen Marks Barter ( s/o Robert & Mary D. )born: 27 Mar 1841, Deer Isle - died: Sep 1908

Eliza A. Forkingham ( w/o Stephen M. ) born: Aug 1845, Nova Scotia

Martha E. Barter ( d/o Stephen & Eliza ) born: 1863 - died: About 1875

George F. Barter ( s/o Stephen & Eliza ) born: 1867, Wreck Island, Hancock Co., ME

Clara E. Barter ( d/o Stephen & Eliza )born: 1871, Wreck Island, Hancock Co., ME - died: About 1886

Edward Barter ( s/o Stephen & Eliza ) born: 1886

Mary H. Barter ( d/o Robert & Mary D. )born: 15 Sep 1845 - died: Before 1847

Sarah B. Barter ( d/o Robert & Mary D. )born: 15 Jun 1847

Polly Crockett ( 2nd w/o Robert Barter 1795-1867 )  

Abigail Barter ( d/o Henry & Miriam )born: 3 Oct 1799, Isle Au Haut, - died: Before 10 Jul 1836

Francis Coombes ( h/o Abigail ) born: About 1800, Vinalhaven, Knox, ME - died: Aft 1880, Isle Au Haut, William Coombes ( s/o Francis & Abigail ) born: 6 Jun 1820, Isle Au Haut, Hancock, ME

Henry Coombes ( s/o Francis & Abigail ) born: 4 Sep 1822, Isle Au Haut - died: 21 Oct 1822, Isle Au Haut, Robert Coombes ( s/o Francis & Abigail )born: 9 Sep 1823, Isle Au Haut - died: 19 Feb 1824, Isle Au Haut,

Emily Coombes ( d/o Francis & Abigail - twin )b: 29 Apr 1825, Isle Au Haut -d: 10 May 1825, Deer Isle,

Francis Coombes ( s/o Francis & Abigail - twin)b: 29 Apr 1825 Isle au Haut - d: 13 Aug 1825, Deer Isle,

James Coombes ( s/o Francis & Abigail )born: 1 Dec 1834, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

Eleanor Barter ( d/o Henry & Miriam ) born: 6 Mar 1802, Isle Au Haut - died: 17 Feb 1838, Isle Au Haut, 

Unknown father of Eleanor’s children

Susan Barter ( d/o Eleanor & ??? ) born: About 1821, Isle Au Haut, Knox, Maine - died: Before 1880

Hiram Small ( h/o Susan )born: About 1815, Isle Au Haut, - died: Before 1880, Isle Au Haut

Frederick Small ( s/o Hiram & Susan ) born: About 1848, Isle au Haut - died  1879 in Rockland

Inez Roxanne Eaton ( w/o Frederick) b: 1854 Verona, Me. - d: 1932 Isle au Haut

Mary Abigail “ Abbie” Small ( d/o Frederick & Inez) b: 1870 Isle au Haut

Edna Belle Small ( d/o Frederick & Inez) b: 11 May,1873 Isle au Haut - d: 1 Oct. 1945 Isle au Haut

Clementine Small ( d/o Hiram & Susan )born: 1852 Isle au Haut - died after 1900

Albert W. Small ( s/o Hiram & Susan & 2nd h/o Inez) - b: Nov 1855, Isle Au Haut - d: 1910, Drowned.

Albert Leon Small ( s/o Albert & Inez )born: Feb 1888 Isle au Haut - d: 1972 St. Pete, Fl.

Pearl A. Small ( s/o Albert & Inez ) born: 1890 Isle au Haut. died/buried 1915 Isle au Haut

Charles J. Small ( s/o Hiram & Susan )born: About 1859 ( no further info on him )

Lillie Small ( d/o Hiram & Susan )born: May 1870 (no further info on her )

Noah Barter ( s/o Eleanor Barter & ??? )b: 17 May 1822, Isle au Haut- died/buried 6 Dec 1886, Isle Au Haut Eleanor Rich ( w/o Noah ) b: 7 Feb 1825, Isle Au Haut -died/ buried 2 Aug 1866, Isle Au Haut

Laura Ellen Barter ( d/o Noah & Eleanor )born: 25 Jun 1846, Isle Au Haut - died: Gloucester, Ma

Frank McIntire ( h/o Laura E ) born: About 1845, Gloucester, Ma. 

Edgar McIntire ( s/o Frank & Laura E. )born: About 1867, Ma.

Lizzie Rumery (  w/o Edgar - born: Cherryfield, ME

Tyng Libbey ( 2nd h/o Laura E. ) born: About 1835, Maine

Stillman Edgar Barter ( s/o Noah & Eleanor ) born: 21 Oct 1848, Isle Au Haut - died: About 1924, Rockland, Maria P. Rollins ( w/o Stillman E. )born: About 1852, Rockport, Knox, ME

Ernest Norwood Barter ( s/o Stillman & Maria ) born: 14 Aug 1876, Isle Au Haut, Knox Co., Maine

Grace Gillespie ( w/o Ernest N. )born: About 1886, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Cananda

Sarah Ross ( 2nd w/o Ernest N. ) born: 13 Apr 1886, East Boston, Massachusetts

Oscar Barter  ( s/o Stillman & Maria ) born: About 1895, Isle Au Haut, Hancock, ME

Elizabeth Whitcomb ( w/o Oscar ) born: About 1870, , , ME

Oliva Barter ( d/o Henry & Miriam ) born: About 1805, Isle Au Haut . died: About 1830

Peltiah Barter Jr. ( h/o Oliva ) born: About 1806, Isle Au Haut, Knox, ME - died: After 1870

Martha Barter ( d/o Henry & Miriam ) born: 20 Jun 1812, Isle Au Haut - died: Before 1840

Peltiah Barter Jr. ( h/o Martha ) born: About 1806, Isle Au Haut, Knox, ME - died: After 1870

Olive J. Barter ( d/o Peletiah & Martha ). born: 12 Mar 1831 - died: Before 1940

Abigail Barter ( d/o Peletiah & Martha  - born: 6 Dec 1833, Deer Isle, Hancock, ME

???? Smith ( h/o Abigail )

Oliva Barter ( d/o Peletiah & Martha ) born: 6 Dec 1833

??? ? Barter ( child of Peletiah & Martha ) born: Bet 1835 and 1839

??? ? Barter ( child of Peletiah & Martha )born: Bet 1835 and 1839 ( twin ? )

???? Barter ( child of Peletiah & Martha) born: Bet 1835 and 1839 ( twin ? )

Isle Au Haut  - (descendants of Calvin Turner )

We are indebted to Charles F. Turner of Amhurst, NH, and Isle Au haut for the following list of descendants of Calvin Turner.

Calvin Turner (476), b. 18 Dec 1748 at Plymouth, MA, d. 1838 at ME

+Mary Stimson (1306), b. at ME.?, m. 1767

|-- Calvin Turner (1307), b. 18 Feb 1775 at ME?, d. at At sea

|-- Capt. Asa Turner (1310), b. 05 Aug 1780 at ME, d. 29 Sep 1858 at ME

| +Abigail Smith (1311), b. 1791, d. 18 Apr 1861

| |-- John Turner (1315), b. 1810, d. 12 Jan 1887 at ME

| | +Lucretia Proctor Haskell (1325), b. 1806 at ME, m. 20 Jan 1834 at ME, d. 09 Mar 1894

| | |-- Elcy Susan Turner (1333), b. 12 Apr 1835 at ME, d. 15 Jun1901 at ME

| | | +Capt. William Grout Turner (1338), b. 1827 at Knox, ME?, d.1891

| | | \-- William Payson Turner Prof. (1343), b. 02 Aug 1867 at ME, d. 26 Apr 1944 at IN

| | |-- Asa Joshua Haskell Turner (1334), b. 07 Apr 1839 at ME, d. 01 Jan 1913 at Knox, ME

| | | +Mary Small (1339), m. at ME

| | | \-- Harriet Anna May Turner (1344), b. 28 Jan 1872 at ME, d.31 Mar 1930 at MA

| | |-- Mary Abigail Turner (1335), b. 12 Oct 1842 at ME, d. 1899 at MA

| | | +George C. Lewis (1340), b. 1810?, m. at ME

| | | \-- Lucretia May Lewis (1345), b. 1869

| | | +George F. Kenngott Rev. (1313)

| | |-- Clarence Dean Turner (1336), b. 08 Jan 1850 at ME, d. 1926 at ME

| | | +Fanny E. Smith (1341), b. 1849 at Knox, ME?, m. at ME, d.1919 at ME

| | | |-- Albert E. Turner (1346), b. 15 Oct 1882 at ME, d. 24 Jul 1883

| | | \-- Lewis Clyde Turner (1347), b. 13 Nov 1886 at ME, d. 12 Jul 1952 at ME

| | | +Clarissa Bird Wentworth (1348), b. 07 May 1889 at ME, d.29 Jun 1952 at ME

| | \-- John Case Turner (1337), b. 08 Apr 1853 at ME, d. 1921 at ME

| | +Mary Ellen Rich (1342), b. 1859 at Knox, ME?, d. 02 Oct 1945 at MA

| | \-- Miriam Camilla Turner (1349), b. Aug 1890 at Knox, ME?, d. 14 Mar 1946 at MA?

| | +Ragin Emry Macallister (1314), m. 1922

| |-- Capt. Ezra Turner (1316), b. 1813, d. 14 Jun 1892

| | +Elizabeth Grout (1326)

| |-- James Turner II (1317), b. 1815, d. 1888

| | +Ann Sholes (1357), b. at Nova Scotia

| | |-- Sarah Turner (1351), b. at ME

| | | +Nathaniel Sholes (1359)

| | | \-- Elmira Ann Sholes (1449), b. 13 Jan 1869 at ME, d. 17 Aug1949

| | | +Unknown McKeen (8382)

| | |-- Rebecca Turner (1350), b. 1842 at ME

| | | +Benjamin Staples (1358)

| | |-- Capt. Ezra Turner II (1354), b. 24 Mar 1843 at ME, d. 1889

| | | +Margaret Sholes (1363), b. 15 Sep 1842 at Nova Scotia, m. at ME

| | |-- Emma Catharine Turner (1366), b. 06 Mar 1866 at ME, d.1939

| | | | +John Kempton Collins (1374), d. 1926? at ME

| | | | |-- James Collins (1383)

| | | | \-- Charles Lake Collins (1382), b. 1896

| | | |-- George Augustus Turner (1367), b. 21 Mar 1869 at ME, d.02 Dec 1952

| | | | +Edna Belle Small (1375), b. 11 May 1873, d. 01 Oct 1945

| | | |-- Sarah Abbie Turner (1368), b. 31 Jul 1871 at ME, d. 1942

| | | | +Capt. George Sawyer (1376)

| | | |-- Anne Elizabeth Turner (1369), b. 08 Oct 1873 at ME, d.1955 at CA?

| | | | +Clarence F. Gray (1377)

| | | | |-- Lester Gray (1385)

| | | | | +Unknown Unknown (8375)

| | | | | |-- Linda Gray (1447)

| | | | | | +Tom Champlin (8380)

| | | | | | |-- Brent Champlin (8376)

| | | | | | |-- Kristi Champlin (8377)

| | | | | | |-- Julie Champlin (8378)

| | | | | | \-- Jill Champlin (8379)

| | | | | \-- Warren Gray (1446), b. at CA

| | | | | +Unknown Unknown (8374)

| | | | | |-- Kevin Gray (8371)

| | | | | |-- Karren Gray (8372)

| | | | | \-- Kim Gray (8373)

| | | | \-- Hilton Gray (1384), b. Jul 1905

| | | |-- Charles Harriman Turner (1370), b. 15 Jun 1877 at ME, d.1964

| | | | +Jeannette Faye Folsom (1378), b. 17 Jul 1884 at ME, m. 20 Feb 1908, d. 29 Aug 1952 at ME

| | | | |-- Norman Webb Turner PE (1386), b. 1911 at ME, d. Jan 1999 at NY

| | | | | +Frances Macdonald (1394), m. 26 Jun 1937, d. at ME

| | | | | |-- Robert Turner (1426), b. 1947

| | | | | | +Carol Coombs (1428)

| | | | | | |-- Melissa Ann Turner (1430), b. 25 Dec 1967

| | | | | | |-- Robin Freya Turner (1431), b. 30 Dec 1969, d.28 Nov 1973

| | | | | | \-- Robert Curtis Turner Jr. (1432), b. 27 Nov1973

| | | | | \-- Pamela Turner (1427), b. 1948

| | | | | +Henry Wisniewski (1429), b. 1947, m. 1970

| | | | | |-- Henry Norman Wisniewski (1433), b. 30 Oct1972

| | | | | |-- Tamela Jean Wisniewski (1434), b. 18 Mar 1975

| | | | | |-- Michael Steven Wisniewski (1435), b. 03 Mar1978

| | | | | \-- Stefanie Jeannette Wisniewski (1436), b. 06 Jul 1982

Turner, Harold Woods 1915 -1994

Turner, Althea Mercy Jones 1914 -1997 ( w/o Harold [md: 9/21/32] d. 06 Jun 1997

| | | | |-- Patricia Margaret Turner, Korabik (1397), b. 1933 at Hancock, ME

| | | | | +Milton Korabik (1401), m. 21 Sep 1955

| | | | | |-- Debra Korabik (1405), b. 1959 at NY, d.between 1976 and 1976 at NY

| | | | | | +Robert Carr (1420)

| | | | | | \-- David Korabik (8340)

| | | | | |-- Ellen Marie Korabik (1406),  b. 1966

| | | | | | + Jeffrey D. Rich - m. 6 Sept. 1999.

Emma Mercy Rich - b. 13 Nov. 2003 - (d/o Ellen & Jeffrey )

| | | | | \-- James Milton Korabik (1407), b. 1968 at NY

| | | | |-- Charles Frank Turner (1398), b. 1934

| | | | | +Wilma Jane Hamblen (1402), b. 1937 at ME?, m. 10 Jul 1955

| | | | | |-- Michael Turner (1408), b. 08 Jul 1956 at ME

| | | | | | +Kathleen Keller (1422), m. 22 May 1976

| | | | | | |-- Melissa Turner (1390), b. 1978

| | | | | | \-- Jennifer Turner (1393), b. 1981

| | | | | \-- Hilton Harold Turner (1409), b. 26 Jan 1960 at ME

| | | | | +Rhonda Whidden (1423), m. 10 Jul 1982

| | | | | |-- Ethan Whidden Turner (1444), b. 18 Jun 1994 at ME

| | | | | \-- Andrew Turner (2948), b. 31 May 1996 at ME

| | | | |-- Robert Wayne Turner (1399), b. 05 Mar 1937 at Hancock, ME

| | | | | +Geraldine Furrow (1403), m. 24 Dec 1960, d. Feb 2004

| | | | | |-- Lisa Louise Turner (1410), b. 04 May 1964

| | | | | \-- Robert Wayne Turner Jr. (1411), b. 21 Sep1967

| | | | | +Karen Edna Davis (8341), m. 23 Oct 1993

| | | | | \-- Robert Wayne Turner III (4588), b. 27 Jun1999 at ME

| | | | \-- Richard Moores Turner (1400), b. 1939 at Hancock, ME

| | | | +Janice Mcguire (1404), b. at ME?, m. 29 Sep 1956 at ME

| | | | |-- Frances Adelle Turner (1412), b. 1957

| | | | | +Jeffrey Neaumann (1417)

| | | | | +Nat Bradshaw (8351)

| | | | | |-- Lucretia Turner Bradshaw (1424), b. 05 Jul 1986

| | | | | |-- Davis Sullivan Bradshaw (1437), b. 02 Dec1990

| | | | | \-- Lance Bradshaw (1501), b. Aug 1992

| | | | |-- Jeannette Faye Turner (1413), b. 1961

| | | | | +Richard Bubar (1418), m. 01 Aug 1987 at Hancock, ME

| | | | | |-- Richard Bubar (8342)

| | | | | \-- Eric Bubar (8343)

| | | | |-- Kelly Ann Turner (1414), b. 1963

| | | | | +Jeffrey Boyce (1419), m. 08 Oct 1988

| | | | | |-- Jay Neal Boyce (8344)

| | | | | \-- Anna Mae Boyce (1425), b. 17 Oct 1987

| | | | |-- Nancy Moores Turner (1415), b. 1964

| | | | | +Gary Leigh Haskell (8346)

| | | | | |-- Devon Haskell (8345)

| | | | | \-- Whitney Haskell (1443), b. 02 May 1989

| | | | \-- Richard Moores Turner Jr. (1416), b. 1967

| | | |-- Bessie Jane Turner (1373), b. 17 Jan 1879 at ME, d. 1954

| | | | +Mark E. Baldwin (1381)

| | | |-- Edith Pearl Turner (1372), b. 10 Oct 1881 at ME, d. 1962

| | | | +Raymond L. Conley (1380), b. 25 May 1884 at ME, d. 20 Aug 1955 at ME

| | | | |-- Edwinna Conley (1391)

| | | | \-- Marceline Conley (1392)

| | | \-- Mae Lewis Turner (1371), b. 30 Oct 1882 at ME, d. 28 Apr 1982 at Hancock, ME

| | | +Jasper Lee Chapin (1379), b. 23 Oct 1875 at ME, m. 07 Nov, d. 22 Apr 1957 at Hancock, ME

| | | |-- Carroll P. Chapin (1388), b. 25 Dec 1903 at Knox, ME?, d. 20 Oct 1974 at ME

| | | | +Lydie M. Robbins (1396), b. 13 Nov 1903 at Hancock, ME, d. 27 May 1987 at ME

| | | | \-- Gordon Turner Chapin (1448), d. 2000 at VT

| | | | +Mabelle Louise Alley (8389), m. 22 Dec 1947

| | | | \-- Gordon Lee Chapin (1452), b. 23 Jun 1952 at ME

| | | | +Patricia Ramsdell (1453), b. 02 Apr 1952 at NY?

| | | | |-- Trista Chapin (1454), b. 09 Nov 1970 at ME

| | | | \-- Micah Chapin (1455), b. 19 May 1973 at ME

| | | \-- Gordon Lee Chapin (1389), b. 1906 at ME, d. 1924

| | |-- Annie Turner (1353), b. 1850 at ME, d. 1931

| | | +Hiram Collins (1361)

| | | +Edward Cole (1362)

| | |-- Susan E. Turner (1355), b. 1852 at ME

| | | +Dr. H.J. Brickett (1364)

| | |-- Wallace Turner (1352), b. 1855, d. at ME

| | | +Margaret Small (1360)

| | \-- Asa Turner (1356), b. 1855 at ME

| | +Addie Collins (1365)

| |-- Olive Turner (1318), b. 1816, d. 1887

| | +Capt. John Kempton Turner (1328), b. 1816, d. 29 Oct 1887

| |-- Kate Turner (1321), b. 1818

| | +Jacob Wilson (1331)

| |-- Thomas Turner (1323), b. 1821, d. 03 Mar 1851 at ME

| |-- Isaiah B. Turner (1322), b. 1824, d. 1909

| | +Mercy Coombs (1332)

| |-- Helen Turner (1319), b. 1827, d. 1896

| | +Patrick Conley (1329), b. 1805 at Nova Scotia, d. 1875

| | |-- Gracie (?) Conley (6803)

| | |-- William E. Conley (6802)

| | |-- Elizabeth Conley (6795), b. 1848 at ME, d. Feb 1896

| | |-- William E. Conley (6796), b. 1852 at ME

| | |-- Davis F. Conley (6797), b. 1854 at ME, d. 1930? at at sea

| | |-- James T. Conley (6798), b. 1857 at ME, d. 1939 at ME

| | | +Edwina Page (6804), d. 1947 at ME

| | | |-- Raymond Conley (6805), b. 1884

| | | |-- Gertrude Conley (6806), b. 1885

| | | | +Unknown Morrow (13414)

| | | |-- Augusta Conley (6807), b. 1887

| | | | +Unknown Ingraham (13416)

| | | | \-- Harvard Ingraham (6809), b. 1906 at ME

| | | \-- Walter Conley (6808), b. 1892

| | |-- Isaiah Conley (6799), b. 1860 at ME

| | |-- Kate Conley (6800), b. 1863

| | \-- Lincoln Conley (6801), b. 1865 at ME

| |-- Hiram Turner (1324), b. 1833, d. 02 Dec 1849 at ME

| \-- Abigail Turner (1320), b. 1838

| +John Doane (1330)

| +Abigail Ellis (1312)

|-- Capt. James Turner (1309), b. 05 May 1782 at ME

| +Hannah Stover (8318), m. 22 Oct 1803

| +Elizabeth Eldredge (5099), b. 1789, m. 25 1810 at ME, d. 18 Aug 1810 at ME

| +Alice Hamin (14029), m. 30 Mar 1812 at Hancock, ME

|-- John Turner (1308), b. 06 Apr 1787 at ME, d. 05 Nov 1848 at ME

| +Anna Storer (8317), m. 04 Feb 1810

|-- Polly Turner (1301), b. 05 May 1789 at ME?

| +James Porter (8310), m. 20 Jul 1812

|-- Sally Turner (1302), b. 10 Mar 1791 at ME?

|-- Luther Turner (1303), b. 12 Oct 1792 at ME

| +Elizabeth

 Dyer (8311), m. 20 Jan 1814 at ME

\-- Ephraim Turner (1304), b. 12 Oct 1793 at ME?

Printed on: 12 Mar 2004

Prepared by: Charles F. Turner

Your Emails:

Greenwood Cemetery - Oceanville:

Alberta Hatch, dau of Corneilius and Eliza(Beth) Saunders Hatch was one of twin daughters, the 

other, Bertha lived away, in the badlands of the Dakotas for some years, then in Mass, where I 

believe she died-near Worcester. Anyway, she is credited with winning the contest to name 

Stonington. The twins were the older sisters of my great grandfather Winfield Merritt Hatch (M. 

Ada Josephine Crockett of Oceanville) who are buried in Malden Ma. (Bertha may possibly be 

buried there in a family plot)jackondi@verizon.net ( Jack Harrington ) March 21, 2007.

Hatch Cemetery - Oceanville:

 Seth Hatch was from Marshfield, Ma.and arrived around 1780 to 1784. His wife Sarah, dau of

William and Rebecca Babbidge (William of the Old Settler's comment) was apparently the first 

white child listed in town records for a birth on Deer Isle-b. Oct 31, 1768. I have seen the records 

kept by the late Genice Welcome noting this. Sarah's nickname was Sally. The Babbidge family 

were originally from the Manchester, Eng area. William and Courtney were descendants of Lord 

Courtney Babbidge there. Seth Hatch was the son of Jeremiah Hatch of Marshfield, MA (area 

known as Hatchville, or Two Mile)-Jeremiah and wife Abigail disappeared from records in MA 

as they were Tories, he being imprisoned on Guard ship Adams in Boston Harbor for refusing to 

sign loyalty oath to the Rev cause. Abigail's brother and nephew Zephaniah and Thomas DeCrow 

were imprisoned with her husband. The DeCrows moved to the Ducktrap area near Camden, 

while the Hatches, I believe moved to the Pembroke/Dennysville area in Maine, thinking it a part 

of Canada, after the Revolution, but have never had a chance to prove this theory.

William and Rebecca (Bibber) Babbidge moved from Windham, ME area in early 1760's, settling 

first near the gravel pit above the Mill pond in Deer Isle, near the home of the late Joyce family 

next door to Finest Kind Restaurant. they had five daughters, one married Seth Hatch. one a 

Stinson, one Jos. Whitmore, one a Staples and finally one a Greenlaw. William and Rebecca 

moved the family from the Crossroads to Oceanville (also called Babbidges' Neck back then) to 

the land granted, in part to him as settler's right, and to another 200 acres he purchased. He broke 

the land into 6 parcels of 50 acres each, a lot going to each daughter at the time of marriage. He 

retained the lot known as the Hatch Homestead, now owned by direct descendants, the 

Harrington family). Seth and Sarah owned the house known as Hatch Haven, overlooking Hatch 

cove and the Hatch cemetery lot is on the road in front of the house.) jackondi@verizon.net 

( Jack Harrington ) March 21, 2007.