Theophilus Eaton

Deer Isle, Maine:  North of village, first left on Dow Road.  Go 0.8 mile; gravestone is located on left across from David Pelletier residence.  (Above Marble Cove Dr there is a woods, then a field and another wooded area.  Grave of Theophilus Eaton is here near a stone wall.) 

Sources: Dr. Benj. Lake Noyes, Gravestones, ME Vital Records, Obituaries, US Census & SS [discrepancies in brackets]

“Here lies the mortal port of

Mr. Theophilus Eaton

on of the first Settlers

in this town.

He possessed an upright

benevolent mind [and]

was given to Hospitality

without hymn[?].

He lived respected


died lamented, 

the 7th day of February

A.D. 1793

in his 73rd year."

Eaton, Theophilus b: July 31, 1721 Salisbury, MA - d: Feb 7, 1793 DI - h/o Abigail Fellows - s/o Jonathan & Judith (Ash) Eaton *Also a stone in Old DI Cemetery

Note:  Nothing written on the stone - the information shown here is from the stone in the Old Deer Isle cemetery.