Carter's Cemetery

North Deer Isle, Maine:  Route 15 across from Grange Hall; turn down Reach Road for 2.5 miles, on left. Cemetery is across from Knight house in Carter field on land originally owned by Sir William Foster.

Sources: Dr. Benj. Lake Noyes, Gravestones, ME Vital Records, Obituaries, US Census & SS [discrepancies in brackets]

Infant son b: ?? - d: ?? -  child of John B. & Lucinda (Freethy) Carter

Infant son b: ?? - d: ?? -  child of John B. & Lucinda (Freethy) Carter

There are two headstones for these infants but no names or any other information.

John B. Carter came from Harbor Island, which he owned, off Naskeag Point in Brooklin. Lucinda Freethy was a midwife at the Reach.  John & Lucinda had 7 boys. Two of the boys are buried here. Two others were Leroy and Wadsworth, born Oct 15, 1856 [vital records pg. 117].  Both of these boys grew up, married and had children of their own, but we have no further information on them or the other children. Lucinda had a daughter “Minnie” from a previous marriage; we have no further information on her.

 *The Census of 1910 for Brooklin [page 122]  --  Wadsworth Carter, Naskeag fisherman.